Index of antichrist 2009 movie
Index of antichrist 2009 movie

index of antichrist 2009 movie
  1. Index of antichrist 2009 movie movie#
  2. Index of antichrist 2009 movie full#

  • Le Film Artistique: According to the film's detractors.
  • The fox snarls at him, then speaks with a deep human voice: "Chaos reigns."
  • Foul Fox: The protagonist comes across a fox eating its own insides.
  • Female Misogynist: She believes that women are evil and were tortured and killed in history because they were evil.
  • The rest of it, such as She crying as she begs He to slap her during sex, then masturbating furiously in the woods when he refuses, isn't.
  • Fan Disservice: The only nudity in the film that actually appears sexy is in the first few minutes.
  • The Faceless: Apart from the two main protagonists and their son, the few supporting cast members appearing have their faces deliberately blurred.
  • Everything Trying to Kill You: Even the acorns.
  • Empathy Doll Shot: In the opening scene, Nic has a teddy bear which is shown in close up crashing onto the street.
  • Drone of Dread: The entire soundtrack - minus Händel's "Lascia ch'io pianga" in the prologue and conclusion.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: The opening and closing sequences.
  • Death of a Child: The death of the pair's young son is what begins the film.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: Many times by She, then used as torture on He.
  • It set the tone for Melancholia and Nymphomaniac after it.
  • Darker and Edgier: As Trash Humpers (which came out in the same year, oddly enough) was for Harmony Korine is Antichrist for Lars Von Trier a new dark-and-edgy low in an oeuvre already known for its morbidity.
  • Crapsack World: Even the acorns are miserable.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The wrench under the porch.
  • Bookends: Both the prologue and epilogue are Deliberately Monochrome with no sound except for Händel's "Liascia ch'io pianga".
  • Index of antichrist 2009 movie full#

    Later on, He runs into a fox in the process of self-disemboweling itself, and before that, He wakes up with his hand covered in ticks full of blood.

  • Body Horror: While hiking to Eden, He finds a doe with a stillborn fawn hanging off her.
  • This also goes for the horde of women He sees in the end.
  • The Blank: Pretty much everyone who isn't He, She, or Nic has their face blurred out.
  • Not helping was Von Trier (facetiously, we hope) declaring himself the "best director in the world" and Gainsbourg winning Best Actress.

    Index of antichrist 2009 movie movie#

    Many detractors accused the movie of being deeply misogynistic as well as artless euroshlock. The movie started a heated controversy during its premiere at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, with most critics praising the film for its technological accomplishments, while bitterly divided over its merits or lack thereof. He, a psychologist, proposes exposure therapy at their cabin in the woods appropriately called "Eden", due to skepticism surrounding traditional medication-based treatment. The film centers around "He" and "She" ( Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg, respectively) attempting to deal with the grief surrounding the death of their infant son, Nic. Imagine what a film co-directed by the Stanley Kubrick who made The Shining, the David Lynch who made Eraserhead and the Andrei Tarkovsky who made Stalker could look like, and you're getting close to the idea of what Antichrist is.

    index of antichrist 2009 movie

    The movie was not submitted to the MPAA because of fear that it would be rated NC-17 for graphic violence.Antichrist is a 2009 psychological horror art film written and directed by Lars von Trier. This movie caused serious controversy upon its release in multiple countries during 2009.

    index of antichrist 2009 movie

    The movie stars Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg. Antichrist is a 2009 supernatural horror movie.

    Index of antichrist 2009 movie